Interviews with Momo!
₊˚⊹ᰔ Hello! It's me, Momo! But for the purpose of this segment, please refer to me as Momo-chan. This is my time to cast aside my role as the family cat and have a sophisticated Q&A with the members of the household. ᰔ⊹˚₊
January 14th, 2025-🫀 Molly 🫀
- Hey everybody, it's Momo-chan! Today we are going to be speaking with Molly, the black sheep of the family.
- Hey, Momo-chan, thanks for having me on the show. And just for the record, I'm not the black sheep, I just so happen to be the model child.
- Ok, sure thing. So Molly, we know so little about your interests...I mean, clearly you like Oscar, bloody things, and general violence. But what, for lack of better words, "normal" things are you into?
- Ah, great question. Well I certainly have a passion for the outdoors. I love to study different animals and plant species. Oh, and music! I'm really into music.
- Oh? What's you favorite genre?
- Well, Momo-chan, it's impossible for me to have just one go-to. I have a very diverse taste.
- Well then tell us all the types of music you listen to!
- Okay, well I love grunge rock, heavy metal, and classic rock every now and then
- Oh yeah, that's some good stuff.
- I've also been listening to a lot of breakcore and speedcore lately. And I've been listening to jumpstyle for a while now. It's probably my favorite, but I'll listen to phonk every now and then. I listen to hyperpop sometimes, but I feel like nightcore bridged the way for that to happen. Oh, and I can't forget vocaloid! Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Rin and Len are my icons!
- ...I have no idea what any of that means.
- Yeah, that's probably because you have shit music taste.
- Woah, hey now...
- You're just a normie. I bet you still use Pandora to listen to music, huh?
- Ok, chill out...
- Hold up, no, I bet you're a Taylor Swift fan. Or maybe you prefer to listen to Sabrina Carpenter? I bet you're Meghan Trainor's #1 fan! Your taste in music probably sounds like what a plate of plain chicken breast and microwaved peas and carrots taste like. Edible, but unexiting and devoid of any flavor.
- Ok, we're gonna end this before those hot takes get me cancelled after the FIRST EPISODE. Thanks Molly, and thanks to the audience for tuning in! Next time we'll be interviewing another member of the household, so submit your questions and curiosities and come see us next time to learn more about the lovely members of the...wait, what's your guy's last name?
- We don't have one.
- Of course you have one, how else would you guys get mail?
- They don't bring us mail anymore, I kept eating the mailmen.
- ...You know what, I'll just go ask Oscar after this, ok? God, you're so...whatever. Anyway, come see us next time to learn more about the lovely members of the house-house!
January 15th 2025: 🌻Benny🌻
- Hey everyone, it's Momo-chan back at it again! Today we'll be interviewing the world-famous Benny!Come on down Benny, say hello to the audience.
- Hello, hello, thanks for having me on the show.
- It's my pleasure. The audience and I have just been dying to know more about you. Let's start off small...we know that you started out life as a flower, not a human. Where did you live before Molly brought you home to us?
- That's a great question, Momo! Well, I-
- It's Momo-chan.
- Huh?
- During this program, my name is Momo-chan. You just called me Momo. Did you not pay attention to the introduction?
- Right, sorry Momo-chan...Anyway, Molly found me in the Florist Shop, where I had been staying for two weeks at that point. I guess most people found a flower with a face creepy...
- Yeah, that makes sense. I definitely wouldn't want to buy something like that. No offense. How did they treat you at the Florist's?
- I can't say they treated me too bad...I was given water, sunlight, and space to grow. The only problem was being surrounded by other plants that were...I don't know how to explain it. I know they were alive, but not quite. Like empty was terrifying.
- Wow, that sounds rough. I'm glad Molly was able to rescue you from that.
- Yeah. But my life was actually pretty good before all of that. I lived in another dimension, actually.
- Benny, I thought I told you that the #1 rule on this show is that "we don't make up shit."
- Um, I-I'm not making anything up. Before coming to Earth, I came from a parallel dimension. Our society was composed of plants just like me-well, the old me-and I had a family, and was in college and-
- Okay, enough of that.
- Momo, please! I want to share my full backstory!
- Yeah, well why don't you go take your meds first. And I told you, it's "Momo-chan"! I'm not going to remind you again.
- ...
- Alright, that's all the time we have today folks! That was a lovely interview, very informative. Join us next time for another interview at the Sinclair house! And yes, I asked Oscar, and he confirmed that is your last name.
- Ok, good to know, I actually wasn't really sure, especially 'cause-
- Can you not?
- ...huh? What I do?
- I'm supposed to get in the last word, but you just keep trying to make this interview last forever.
- ...sorry.
- Goodnight everybody!
January 20th 2025: 𓆣Samuel 𓆣
- Hey folks, it's me Momo-chan! Here we are again with another interview, this time with the newest member of the household, Mr. Samuel Sinclair! Welcome to the show, Sam.
- Thanks for having me Momo-chan, I'm so excited to be hear today.
- Oh, you flatter me. So Sam, it's to our understanding that you earned your way into being a member of the house. How do you feel about this?
- Well, Momo-chan, all I can say is that it's one of my greatest achievements. All my life, I've been sneaking around, plotting and stealing. A pretty low-down way to live. This is the first time I've ever used my scheming to get something permanent, and something this good.
- How did you do it? Seriously, I wasn't there that day, but I heard it was a riot.
- Right, well, it's a long story. Basically, I got into a sticky situation when Molly and Benny caught me in the kitchen trying to poison their lemonade. They were about to fuck me up, but some quick thinking helped me win their favor. I promised them I'd lure out my brothers so that Benny and Molly could ambush them, and boy did they catch them off guard, haha. Doing that earned their trust, and Master Oscar was more than happy to adopt me! Benny always acts like what I did was so scummy, but I don't think so. I think it was necessary for my survival. I'm sure any one of my brothers would've done the same, probably.
- I don't think it was scummy, I think you just had your priorities straight.
- Thank you, Momo-chan.
- Well, that's all the time we have for today. Thanks for joining me Sam, and we all-
- Wait, don't you want to know more about that day? Like what it was like to turn into a human? I mean, so much about it was weird, especially growing a new wee wee.
- Wee wee? You mean a penis?
- Uh, yeah.
- Why do you call it that, what are you, five?
- I'm actually 9 months old now! My birthday's March 14th, and I-
- Ok, hush, shhhh...
- But I just-
- Shhhhhh
- Can I atleast-
- Shhhshhhhshhhhhhh....
- ...hmph.
- Alright everyone, thanks for tuning in! Next time we'll have another guest from the Sinclair household who you won't want to miss! Goodnight everybody! Meow ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
January 22, 2025:🫀 Molly 🫀
- Hello everyone, and welcome back to Interviews with Momo-chan! I'm your host, Momo-chan, and I'm so excited to interview today's guest! Come on in, Oscar.
- Hey Momo-chan, thanks for having me back on the show.
- ...Molly, where's Oscar? He was on schedule for today.
- Oh, he's not coming in today. One of his potions spilled and set his bedroom on fire, so he's kind of not in the mood for talking today. So I took the liberty of standing in for him.
- Oh, ok, well, that's very kind of you. And please, give Master Oscar my condolences.
- Will do.
- Well, I guess today's show is gonna go in a different direction, huh folks? I need to rethink all of my questions! Ah! Well, I have one for you, Molly...
- Shoot!
- So, I've noticed that you never wear jackets. I mean, the other day when you guys went on that hiking trip, everyone was bundled up, and you were just wearing shorts and a t-shirt. It seems like no matter what the weather is, you're always dressed the same!
- Yeah, you're right about that. The thing you need to know about me is that my body isn't exactly alive and thriving like the rest of you. If I get to0 warm, I'll start to stink, and then I'll start to rot a little, which isn't pleasant for anybody involved. I'm the freshest at lower temperatures. I'll only bundle up if it's snowing, because I can freeze.
- Hmmm. Ok, I have a follow up question. I wasn't around when Oscar first adopted you (I was on a wellness retreat) so I've actually always been curious about...well, I don't know a polite way to say this, but I've always been curious what you are exactly.
- I find that question offensive. Obviously I'm a human, and I'm nice and fresh as it is. In fact, I have a question for you, Momo-chan. What are you?
- A cat.
- Nuh-uh.
- What?
- I don't think cat's talk, or swallow whole cows, or eat souls.
- Okay, those accusations are all alleged, you have no proof-
- Oh? Are you mad?
- Well you keep-
- What are you mad about, Momo-chan? Feeling a little exposed? Afraid people will find out you're not really cat?
- I AM a cat! Look! *purrrrr**rub*
- Ew, stop pretending, you're embarassing yourself! Hahaha
- You are such an asshole, Molly.
- Yeah, and you're full of shit Ms "Kitty". If you're a cat, then I'm a damn hawk. *screeeech*
- ...I think I'm going to end the interview here.
- If that's what you want to do, that's fine with me, Ms. Kitty. *screeeeech*
- I'm not taking the bait anymore! Ahem...Thanks for tuning in today everybody, and that's all we have for today. Thanks Molly, for the wonderful conversation!
- *screeeeeeech*
- Stop being a dick. Alright everyone, make sure to tune in next time for some questions I have prepared for the lovely Oscar! I promise he'll be here this time! Meow!♥
February 7th, 2025: 💜Oscar💜
- Hello everyone, it's me again, Momo-chan! And today's the day we've been waiting for! We'll be interviewing the lovely Oscar, the head of the household. Welcome to the show, sir!
- Thanks for having me Momo. This is all so cute. Oh wait, thanks for having me "Momo-chan". Benny told me all about that.
- Hehe, thanks sir. Ready to get started?
- I sure am.
- Great! The first question I have for you is about your relationship with the other three. Are they like your kids?
- Well, no. Where I come from, we don't really have kids. I mean, demons are basically immortal, so we don't really have the instinct or desire to reproduce. But some of us still like to take care of other creatures (we're not all heartless), so it's not uncommon to have a pet. And the three most popular pets in the underworld are hellhounds, leviathans, and humans! And I happen to be a big fan of humans.
- So they're your pets? Like I am?
- Yes. And I'm very good with humans. I mean, I've had Molly for, what, almost 50 years now? And the other two are doing great. The secret is giving them a nutritious diet, exercise, and off course freedom to roam. But not too much freedom.
- Wow, Oscar, you're so knowledgable!
- What can I say, I've been doing this for a while.
- So, who's your favorite?
- What do you mean?
- Well you know, which one do you like the most? Like, if you had to sel two and keep one, whick would it be?
- Well I personally think that selecting favorites is wrong. Their each great in their own special ways. They have skills, personalities, and interests all unique to themselves. It would be wrong of me to say I prefer any one of them over the other. My heart's big enough for them to share.
- Oh, wow-
- But if I absolutely had to give an answer, it would be Benny. And no, I will not elaborate on why.
- Oh, okay! Don't worry, I won't tell them. And of course we all know who your favorite in the entire house is... M-
- Scott.
- Huh?
- It's Scott.
- ...who the fuck is Scott?
- You know, the chicken? I've been using my magic to reeducate farm animals, and so far Scott's my best work. He's practically a genius, and very talented as well. I'm very proud of him. And just last week, he told me he was applying to the University of Chicago, and I was just over the moon...
- Chicken? You love a chicken more than me?
- Come on, Momo-chan, it's not a competition. Just be happy you're on my list at all.
- You're right, I need to learn to be more humble. Well, that's all the time we have for today. Thanks for joining us, Oscar!
- Uh, yeah.
- Come see us next time for another interview!